Time is flying and I have been very active just not in the scrapbooking department! Early December Christopher took me snowboarding for the first time up at Crystal Mountain. Must say I was a trooper. I went 4 times down the beginners slope falling down like crazy. Everything hurt! Can't believe I might do that again, lol! Mid December we traveled down to Oregon to meet up with some of Christopher's friends to hike Mary's Peak near Corvalis. I really want to get more into hiking. This was my first hike in the Pacific NW outside of hiking in the Annapurnas in Nepal. Early January we headed up to the Skagit river to watch bald eagles and ended up taking a rafting tour down the river and saw lots of bald eagles. We were so blessed that day with sunny skies. The forecast said rain, rain, rain. During MLK holiday weekend, we spent time meeting up with some of Christopher's family and then on Monday we went to Paradise at Mt. Rainier and spent a lovely sunny day snow shoeing. I definitely want to do that again. It was gorgeous as well as a serious calorie burner!!!

(pit stop from hiking Mary's Peak in Oregon)

hope you had an enjoyable weekend!