I love how busy it keeps me while watching hockey with Christopher. Now that I can make an oval, I am learning how to crochet a cirlce. Pics to come.
Being in crafty mode, I decided it was time to start Autumn's scrapbook album. Linda received a 12x12 album as a gift so all I needed were photos. Unfortunately, Linda is one busy mama/loan officer and photos she did not provide. I have been slacking taking photos so I relied on what I already had which wasn't much and made 6 pages to start Autumn's album. Once I showed Donnie and Skylar the album, they immediately sent me more photos of Autumn that they had taken with their phones. (more work and pics to come)
I have been wanting to try a simpler way to scrapbook called Project Life. It uses pocket pages and precut cards to make scrapbooks fast. Being my frugal self, I didn't want to buy the pocket pages so I just improvised and did as much Project Life style as I could and some are clearly not PL style. I was just so happy to be scrapping again.