Here's a little data if you can't see it in the sign. Comet Falls roundtrip 3.8 miles/ 900 feet elevation gain. Van Trump Park roundtrip 5.8 miles /elevation gain 2000 feet.
Fantastic viewing of Van Trump Creek. Beautifully carved out.
Comet Falls in the cool of the morning. We continued on to Van Trump Park.
Nice view of Mt. St. Helens in the distance.
From here the trail started getting steeper and I could feel myself getting exhausted. It was one of those just put one foot out in front of the other and take it slow. Once we got to our destination it is so worth it. The view! Oh my the view. Mt. Rainier smack dab in front of us and Mt. Adams and Mt. St. Helens behind us.
Here's a pic of Mt. Adams above
Our resting spot for 2 hours as we soaked in the mountain vibe.
It was such a beautiful way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
Our descent down