Sunday, July 23, 2017

Down Under

I just spent 16 awesome days in Australia and New Zealand. If I had one word to describe my trip it would be EPIC!
If you know me or have ever checked out my flickr account, you will know I enjoy hiking. On this trip, I was able to get in 6 memorable hikes one of them being the most challenging and rewarding hike I have ever done.
Let's start with the Royal National Park in Australia. If you like waterfalls then Uloola Falls is the place to be. You start on the Karloo Track for 2 km, cross the Karloo Pools and venture up 2.5 km to the falls.

When I arrived at Uloola Falls, I thought I would arrive at the bottom of the falls, but you in fact arrive at the top. After a scramble down some very large rocks you come into full view of the falls and my jaw just dropped.

You can spend a lot of time soaking it all in here, but if you go back up and trek a little further you will come across another amazing waterfall site that is smaller and a perfect place to stop for lunch.

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