Monday, August 2, 2010

Family Weekend

Had a busy family weekend. My one and only nephew celebrated his 7th birthday at Super Jump in Sumner. I met up with my dad at my sister's so Skylar would have his whole family there as he opened presents. He actually didn't care too much about us being there just super excited to get a pogo stick from grandma! Oh well, it was nice seeing my dad.

Christopher's mom flew in from Arizona too, so after Skylar's party we headed down to Pe Ell near Centralia to visit his mom, uncle, and sister's family. It was quite the outing. Christopher's uncle loves to play country songs and had his band down there too. I got to meet quite a few people.

Sunday was a nice chill day getting chores done. Can't believe we are in August already!
Hope you had a good weekend too!

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