Monday, July 1, 2013

A Sizzling start to Summer

Here is the start of two retaining walls that will form the entrance to the garden. My coworker gave me some railroad ties, but still need more to finish. If you know anyone in the Seattle area that has railroad ties to get rid I would be happy to pick up!
Last weekend, Christopher worked his arse off. He picked the hottest day of the year to go up in our attic and finish installing the flex ducting. It was crazy hot, but he got it done! We also picked up pompas grass from his coworker and planted it in our backyard. No easy task either! Once he dug around it, they chained it and towed it out with a truck. He then took an axe and cut it into quarters. We hauled it in his truck and my job was to clean out all the dirt! I hope they survive. They are huge and first of mature plants in the backyard. Photos of pompas grass to come :)